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Friday, May 10, 2013

Info Post

In Egypt, not only the mysterious beauty of the pyramids or the delication of the handicrafts’ hands that built up those unique constructions deserve compliments. The remaining thing is the way people here work in their travelling industry.

The pyramids form another view in Cairo, with a side filled by green grass, another being the dry desert.
The pyramids form another view in Cairo, with a side filled by green grass, another being the dry desert.

“Welcome to Egypt” is the common sentence of the Egyptian regardless of whether they speak English or not. From a 5-year-old kid to a grey haired grandfather, they will always greet you with a warm smile.

Great tips:

According to Reuters, the income derived from tourism of Egypt is approximately 12,5 billion U.S dollars, and the previous year was 11,6 billion. The annual estimated number of tourists go to Egypt is over 10 million.

Egyptian government has familiarised each home and each individual with the tips on deriving benefits from tourism. You will be amazed by the fact that wherever you travel, there will be a warm welcome in the same formula, such as in train stations, bus stations, airports, on the streets, in the restaurant…

However, be very careful, behind these greetings there will be an attempt to exhaust your budget at the souvenirs without even realising. Most tourists who travel here have to exhaust their wallets to the very last coin, or even borrow money to buy more, because it’s very hard to resist these friendly and heart-melting offers. Their great tip is to pour sweet sayings into your ears like honey.

It is normal to a tourist, who just arrived at Cairo and were wandering through shops besides the pyramid, to be filled with sayings like this: “you’re so beautiful”, “I’ve never met such a person who has this magnificent hair like yours”…And this tip will have its effect: “Today I will discount extra 50 per cent just for you”.

To this extent, female tourists can get used to these sentences. Because they are all the same applied to every kind of tourists, from these Mohammed-surnamed guys. But the listeners are too satisfied with it and are willing to buy anything from them, or at least they buy something to show respect for such enthusiastic sellers.

“To feast the eyes” in front of 134 large poles full of mysterious images in the Karnak Temple square, ranging 5,706 m2.
“To feast the eyes” in front of 134 large poles full of mysterious images in the Karnak Temple square, ranging 5,706 m2.
Then, after you have bought the souvenirs, you will get another surprise as the seller continues to say sweeter things: “I like you a lot ma’am, so in order to please you I will give you a small present , and you will remember us and recommend your friends to go here next time”. And the gift will be something that you have been looking at while searching for the item you bought. Although some may know that they have paid for their own present, the customers will still be very satisfied.

Once entered the gallery, tourists will be guided on a small tour to introduce the method of making a kind of paper which is from a very rare type of tree existing along the Nile: the papyrus. After the introduction, tourists will be given a fresh tree of papyrus as a souvenir of the trip. Therefore they have to open their wallets; would anyone take the papyrus tree home without a picture? And the next thing will be “What’s your lover’s name?”, or ‘Oh, let me write her name on this picture so that you can give it to her. Oh no, no need to pay, I give you freely, because you’re so adorable”. Then comes the second time of opening the wallet, because no one dares to take a gift for free without buying anything from the salesclerk.

Sitting on a camel – which local people call “Egyptian Cadillac” – wandering on the pathways is another leisure activity for tourists in Cairo.
Sitting on a camel – which local people call “Egyptian Cadillac” – wandering on the pathways is another leisure activity for tourists in Cairo.
To be continued...